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Pastor Monica Haskell


Creatively Helping Christian Married and Single Ladies Become Incredible Wives!

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I'm so glad you're here because that means you really want to be a great wife and put your marriage first.

You are not alone if you are having trouble in your marriage, going through a hard change in your life, or just want to improve yourself. I want you to know there is still hope. Your situation, which seems hopeless, can and will change. The HTBAW Academy will provide faith-based mentorship to help you become the extraordinary wife God intended for you to be.






Are you single and trying to figure out how to go from single to married?
You deserve to be in a serious, secure, and intimate relationship.
One with passion, love, good communication skills, and trust.

You personally believe it shouldn't be this difficult. Or maybe you just broke up with someone or got divorced and aren't sure how to deal with all the changes in dating in the modern world. I'll help you figure out how to solve the problems you're having and what steps you need to take. Let's find out what's really holding you back with men so that we can fix it and you can go on to become a great wife.









Why Enroll in Our Community?


Every month, we hold unique thematic mastermind sessions in which we discuss high-level subjects relevant to your growth and success as a wife.


Creative, faith-filled coaching to catapult you as an extraordinary wife. 
The sessions would be geared toward mentoring, and teaching from the Bible, as well as giving encouragement and strategies for success.


Online classes are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Power comes from knowledge. Our online courses will teach you the fundamentals of marriage and the skills required to be an exceptional wife. We also offer singles specialized dating classes.


It is not a good idea for unprepared or unhealed singles to join a marriage. We will provide you with creative mentoring to assist you to deal with challenges and prepare you for successful dating.


HTBAW Academy has secured relationships with prominent mental health professionals that will host "Ask The Doctor" segments within our group.


You will have access to our private Facebook group where we will build a sense of community. We will provide resources, have weekly challenges, and discuss hot topics.


We will certify HTBAW ambassadors to host in-person social events in their local chapter in the near future. We feel that sisterhood and friendship are also important aspects of living a successful and joyful life.

Sonja Homer, DE

"Even after 20 years of marriage, I attended this HOW TO BE A WIFE class and still learned new ways of how to please my husband, using Bible principles.  
The class is an eye opener on every level but you leave with answers…and you leave feeling glad to be a wife and ready to win in your marriage.  
Pastor Monica Haskell’s HOW TO BE A WIFE class taught me that with God’s help, “I’m gonna kill this help meet game!” in Jesus Name!!.  Awesome class!! " #HTBAW22

Talana Allen, NJ

"Words can't explain my gratitude first to God for answering my prayer second for your yes. I teased you last weekend about you being a whole year late but the fact is a year ago I wasn't ready things were still fresh. I told God I am ready to be healed and last night the healing began. I know my life is getting ready to explode as I get me together. I love you and I am Greatful for you. I am praying for you because this is Sooooooooooooooooo needed woman need this. It really should be a requirement before marriage Ijs. You only touched the surface I am excited for my future!!!"

Toshiba Hayman, DE

"Pastor Monica Haskell thank you! Thank you for being an example of a Godly Wife. Thank you for trusting us with your testimony. Thank you for brilliantly executing so many "touchy topics," that need to be talked about!
You step on the enemies neck every time you teach this class! 
Words will never articulate how your "yes" has helped to bring my joy back as a believer, and as a single women intentionally dating. 
This class is so necessary to All Women 18+yo. "
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